Our organization is dedicated to helping beekeepers at whatever level they may be at. Each month at our meetings we have question and answer sessions and a presentation. We invite a wide variety of guest speakers to come and share their knowledge with us. If you are just beginning to learn about beekeeping, we have break out sessions where you can go to a separate room and talk with and ask questions of an experienced beekeeper in a smaller group setting.
Further educational opportunities are available in the form of field days. Various members volunteer to host a field day at their apiary throughout the beekeeping season. Either they or one of our club mentors will take you through hives and answer questions. This is very much a hands on activity and highly recommended to further your beekeeping knowledge and skills.
There are numerous events that our club participates in as an outreach and educational opportunity for the community. We set up booths and volunteers answer the public's questions about beekeeping at events like the Butterfly Festival, Gray Campbell days and Farm Fest. If you have an event you would like us to attend or a group you would like to have us do a presentation for, please contact one of the club officers. (please place a link to the club officers page)
One of our greatest services is our club mentors. The mentor list with contact information is available to all club members. No matter your level of experience, there are times when having someone to contact about what is going on with your hives is invaluable.
In the spring we have an equipment auction where members can buy or sell beekeeping related items. This is a great way to get started in beekeeping more economically.
The club has some equipment that it loans out to members such as extractors. After harvesting you can bring your honey to a meeting and have it tested via refractometer for moisture content.
All members receive a monthly newsletter with timely reminders, club events, upcoming events, classes and items of interest to beekeepers.
We have many members that are willing to come and remove swarms and even remove colonies of bees from structures. Check out our Swarm Catchers page for contact information.
For information on classes that are available at certain times of the year, check our Membership and Classes page for details of how to join the club or register for a class.